
New Afrikaan Civilization and Development Agenda for Africa (NACDAfrica) Introduces Innovative Solutions for Africa’s Growth

In a bid to revitalize Africa and bring forth its true potential, NACDAfrica is introducing the New Afrikaan Civilization and Development Agenda for Africa to the world. The aim of this initiative is to promote and activate critical components of the African Ancestral Development World (AADW) Objectives in the Constitution approved by the Corporate Affairs Commission as amended in 2021. NACDAfrica is a sub-division of the Ekoate Afrikaan Empire Afro-World, an operational think-tank established to implement the NACDAfrica Agenda.

At the core of NACDAfrica’s mission is the Afritocracy, a cooperative democracy for Afrikaan descendants worldwide and international diplomacy for NACDAfrica Agenda implementation. To achieve this, NACDAfrica has established the Supreme Council of Ekoate Afrikaan Empire Afro-World, a group of appointed Emperors from among the Patrons, to lead the implementation of the NACDAfrica Agenda.

The NACDAfrica Agenda also includes heritage, a repository of ancestral assets held by Afrikaan descendants worldwide stored for future generations. The Afrikaan Descendants TrustFund, a collection of monetary and non-monetary contributions by Afrikaan descendants worldwide for NACDAfrica Agenda implementation, is also an integral part of the NACDAfrica Agenda.

To recognize and immortalize the contributions of Afrikaan descendants worldwide, NACDAfrica is also implementing monuments, a means of awards recognition, tree planting parks, and ancestral heritages donated by the government for museums and theatres managed by the Association of Afrikaan Descendants Worldwide. The proceeds from these monuments go towards the Afrikaan Descendants TrustFund.

NACDAfrica’s public affairs component is designed to integrate and cooperate with the AADW, partners, and the general public. The public engagement and conferences, as well as exhibitions across-the-board without limitations, will be managed by NACDAfrica and its associated organizations. The Ekoate Afrikaan Empire motto is “I See Everything Anew! I Rise” and the Association of Afrikaan Descendants Worldwide motto is “Peace, Trust, Unity in Diversity & InvestAfrica.”

The potential impact of NACDAfrica to the nations of Africa is immense. With its innovative solutions for Africa’s growth and development, NACDAfrica is poised to revolutionize the continent and bring it to new heights. NACDAfrica invites all invested investors and the general public to join the movement and support its implementation.

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